
Creation to Consummation

Southeast Asia's first conference dedicated to Biblical Theology

CTC is a conference that teaches the interpretation of the Bible with Christ at the centre of all that it says.

CTC 2013

Creation to Consummation

CTC 2017

Creation to Consummation

CTC 2022

Creation to Consummation

CTC 2023

Creation to Consummation

What is Biblical Theology?

Biblical theology is integral to the whole process of discerning the meaning of the biblical text and of applying this meaning to the contemporary scene.

For biblical theology, the primary goal of exegesis is not objectivity but to hear Scripture as the word of God.

While we distinguish it from other theological disciplines, such as systematics, historical theology, apologetics and practical theology, its relationship to these disciplines is one of interdependence. Because biblical theology is the fruit of exegesis of the texts of the various biblical corpora it has a logical priority over systematics and the other specialized types of theologizing. However, the mutuality of the disciplines can be seen in our coming to the task of exegesis with certain dogmatic presuppositions about the nature and authority of the Bible.

Dr. Brian S. Rosner, Principal, Ridley College, Melbourne

What Is Biblical Theology? And Do We Need It?

Graeme Goldsworthy

Graeme Goldsworthy is an Australian Anglican and Old Testament scholar. He was formerly lecturer in Old Testament, biblical theology and hermeneutics at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. Books by Graeme Goldsworthy include According to Plan, Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture, Gospel-Centred Hermeneutics (all IVP), and three books on biblical studies collected as The Goldsworthy Trilogy (Paternoster).

Mark Dever

Mark Dever serves as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. Since first serving as a pastor in 1985, Mark has served on the pastoral staffs of four churches, including a church plant in Massachusetts. Prior to moving to Washington in 1994, Mark taught for the faculty of Divinity at Cambridge University while serving for two years as an associate pastor of Eden Baptist Church.

Barry Webb

Barry Webb is a gifted Old Testament Scholar and Lecturer of over 30 years. Formerly the Head of Old Testament at Moore Theological College, he is now a Senior Research Fellow Emeritus.

G.K. Beale

G. K. Beale is the professor of New Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas, TX. He was previously the J. Gresham Machen Chair of New Testament and Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He earned his BA and MA at Southern Methodist University, his ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary, and PhD from Cambridge University. He has taught at Grove City College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Wheaton College Graduate School.

Why you should come to CTC

"CTC 2016 changed my understanding of holiness"

What Dr. Bradley Green loves about CTC