
Involuntary organizations ought to be tolerant, but voluntary organizations, so far as the fundamental purpose of their existence is concerned, must be intolerant or else cease to exist.
J. Gresham Machen, Christianity and LiberalismFellowship is a good word, and a great duty. But our fellowship, according to Paul, must be in 'the furtherance of the gospel'.
B. B. Warfield, “In Behalf of Evangelical Religion,” in Selected Shorter Writings of Benjamin B. Warfield (Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1970)Resources for partners
- Have evangelicals lost their way? by Phillip Jensen & Tony Payne
- Extra-Ecclesial Gospel Partnerships: A Mess Worth Making by Kevin DeYoung & Ryan Kelly
- Still Young, Restless, and Reformed? The New Calvinists at 10 by Collin Hansen
- Kept by the Power of God by D. Broughton Knox
- The Nameless One by Carl Trueman
- Potential and Pitfalls of Together For The Gospel by Dave Doran
- The Calvinistic Resurgence in America by Erroll Hulse
- Gospel Preaching Isn't Enough by Bob Thune