Eschatology 6-8 Jul 2016
Jesus has died and risen as the Lord and Saviour of His people.
Now what?
How do we now understand death, the resurrection, the first and second comings of Christ, the state in between death and heaven, what heaven will be like, and what life is to be like now? Will there be more or less suffering for the people of God now that Christ rules?
Why are we still here?
If you recognise the importance of any of these topics or questions to the Christian life, then this year's TTC on Eschatology is for you.
Studying what God wants us to know about the End is a privilege and responsibility for all Christians. God's Kingdom and rule extends from eternity to eternity. From what God has done in the past to what He has promised to finish in the future, we can learn of God and our place in His world, such that we can live for Him.
At TTC this year, we'll tackle this incredibly key topic in talks and seminars, always undergirded by time spent reading God's word deeply. In all the activity, the goal is always to glorify God by learning from His truth so that we can minister faithfully according to His plans and purposes.
Every Christian will benefit from putting time and energy into this and the church will grow healthier when Christ's people view history with His eyes.
Rev. Robin Gan

- Founder, Gospel Growth Fellowship (2006)
- Founding Elder, Christ Evangelical Reformed Church (2008-Present)
- Deacon, Anglican Diocese of Malaysia (2006-08)
- Curate, St. Andrew’s Cathedral (2005)
- Curate, St. Paul’s Kogarah (2004)
- Curate, FOCUS UNSW (2002-03)
- Bachelor of Divinity & Diploma of Ministry, Moore Theological College (2002-05)
- Ministry Training Strategy under Philip Jensen (2000-01)
- Regional Marketing for Sony Asia Pacific (1997-99)
- Youth and University Work Leader in Adam Road Presbyterian Singapore (1997-99)
- Bachelor of Commerce, UNSW Australia (1996)
Since 1997, Robin Gan has been ministering to students and adults from a wide variety of churches. His concern is for the gospel to grow churches in Malaysia through faithful ministry of the Word of God. To that end, he founded the Gospel Growth Fellowship. He also planted and currently pastors Christ Evangelical Reformed Church with the goal of raising a new generation of Christians who are committed to Jesus' mission.
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Islam
- Environmentalism
- Liberalism
- Materialism
- The Holiness Movement
- Charismatic eschatology
- Social work
- Dispensationalism
- Anabaptists of the Reformation
- Roman Catholic
- Political and Liberation theology
- Feminism
Why the speaker recommends you come for TTC 16 - Eschatology:
Jesus' resurrection means that He now rules. Yet for so many Christians, life just seems to go on, as if nothing happened. When in fact, things have completely changed forever with the resurrection of Christ.
And there are questions we all ask, like, how do we now understand why we still die? What happens to us when we die? Where do we go? So many people seem to have different opinions on these things - what does God's Word actually say?
In addition there are some important realities:
- The future condition of the human individual is affected by the decisions made in this present life.
- The coming of Jesus will be a surprise for those unaware - 1 Thess 5.2-3. The only antidote is to be watchful, and that attitude will not come without the study and reception of Jesus' teaching on eschatology. To know and live in light of the coming glory is crucial - those with little understanding of the nature of Christ's rule now and depend on a present satisfaction, will not be able to understand suffering or live in it faithfully (Matt 5.2-12).
- At the same time, there will be no time to prepare, Matt 25.8-10.
It make sense that Christians busy with their lives take the time to be at TTC for only 3 days, to be prepared.
In fact, it should be the beginning of a lifetime of being prepared.Because not only is understanding Eschatology crucial for being able to read the Bible accurately, but knowing how to read the Bible, understanding what is to come, will affect our ministry and experience in church in the following areas just to mention a few:
- Worship
- Our attitude to evil and holiness and sin
- The church and the community of Christians
- Satisfaction in this life
- Life-changing decisions
Christianity is eschatology. It is viewing history from the perspective of the reign of Christ. For the church that is unable to view history from the perspective of the risen Christ who reigns, God will be a mere filler, a band-aid, a provider. Not only would that be diminishing God, it fails to be anything like what He intends His church to be.