
Speakers confirmed for crucial topics of FWC 2020 & 2022

Rev Dr Mark Thompson for FWC2020: The gospel & unity

UNITY – truly an important topic for ministries and churches in the Klang Valley. We are pleased to announce the speaker for our annual partner’s conference next year.

Rev Dr Mark Thompson is Principal of Moore Theological College as well as the Head of Department of Theology, Philosophy and Ethics.

Dr. Bradley G. Green (right) for FWC2022: The gospel & the mind

We were privileged to sit under Dr Green’s teaching and enjoyed his fellowship with us at CTC 2018.

Dr Green is the Associate Professor of Christian Thought & Tradition at Union University and the author of a number of books, including Covenant and Commandment: Works, Obedience, and Faithfulness in the Christian Life in IVP Academic's NSBT series.

We are proud to have Dr Green as GGF's Adviser for Christian Education and look forward to welcoming him back at FWC 2022’s The gospel & the mind.

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