The Old Testament and the Gospel - CTC 2023 with Rev Dr Tim Escott

We are excited to announce that Rev. Dr. Tim Escott will be coming to Malaysia to speak at Creation to Consummation (CTC) 2023 on "The Old Testament and the Gospel" from 16 to 23 July 2023.
The topic this year will help Christians understand how the Old Testament and New Testament fit together, and how the various books of the Old Testament relate to the Gospel.
Dr. Escott is currently serving as Assistant Minister at St Mark's Darling Point in Sydney, Australia. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Old Testament from Durham University and graduated with First Class Honours from Moore Theological College in the Bachelor of Divinity. Dr Escott comes from an engineering background and previously graduated with First Class Honours in the field of biomedical engineering.
The conference will commence on Monday, 17th July, with a series of night talks and behind-the-scenes sessions that delve deeper into the topic, leading up to Building Healthy Churches which takes place on Saturday, 22 July. The full schedule can be accessed here.
To hear from brothers and sisters who benefited from CTC, feel free to check out their stories here:
Zechariah Lo
Vania Tan
Colin Loh
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